shopify developer tips to boost speed

Are you looking for ways to Boost Your Shopify Website Speed so that your Shopify online store can produce more sales? A Shopify developer can assist you with! You’ve come to the right place for help with your Shopify website speed and boosting sales.

Shopify is a great platform for online stores, but if your website is slow, it can be a problem. People visit online stores for convenience, speed, and easy access to products. When a website is slow, it creates a big obstacle.

As a result, having a quick website is critical for the success of your online business. You’ve invested in Shopify website development, and you want to make your website load faster to reduce the risk of people leaving without buying anything.

This article will provide you with useful tips and guidelines from Shopify developers to help you improve website speed without sacrificing functionality. By following these tips, you can improve Shopify site speed and create a better experience for customers.

How Does Shopify Website Speed Affect User Experience?

Let’s have a look at some statistics.

  • Page speed effects over 70% of consumers’ decisions to buy from an online business.
  • With each additional second of load time, website conversion rates decline by an average of 4.42%.

Having a fast page load time is important for a good user experience. When someone visits a Shopify website, they want it to load quickly. Even if the website has products and looks nice, if it takes too long to load, people may leave before they can see everything.

If a website doesn’t load quickly enough, people won’t be able to see the site design or check out the products. It’s a big problem because a website that looks good and is easy to use can attract more customers.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure that Shopify websites load quickly. If they don’t, they can lose visitors and money. They might also score low in Google searches because page speed is an important factor in how Google ranks websites.

To make sure that Shopify websites are successful, it’s crucial to focus on optimizing them for fast load times. This means making changes to the website to make it load faster and provide a better user experience.

Also Read: Shopify Guide: How To Create Multiple Product Pages in Shopify

Reasons Your Shopify Website Speed May Slow

Customers that use Shopify may question, “Why is Shopify so slow?” Here are a few reasons why your Shopify website speed may be slow down.

  • Unused applications
  • Fonts and themes that are complex
  • Far too many images and videos
  • Ineffective liquid code
  • Issues with server-side rendering

A Shopify Developer Tips to Boost Shopify Website Speed

A great Shopify website speed score is anything higher than 50. It’s important to remember to test the website’s speed from different locations around the world. The page should load quickly no matter where people are accessing it from.

If you have a Shopify eCommerce website, here are some tips that can help you improve your Shopify website speed:

1. Website Performance Analysis

Use online tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyze your website’s speed performance. These tools provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool produces a PageSpeed score and PageSpeed recommendations for your pages in order to make your website quicker. The tool highlights the key aspects for both mobile and desktop, such as:

  • Image optimization
  • CSS minimized
  • Minimize JavaScript
  • Compression with Gzip
  • Avert Redirections to landing pages
  • Make use of browser caching to reduce server response time.
  • Remove JavaScript and CSS that are render-blocking in above-the-fold content.

GTmetrix is a free tool that analyses your page speed performance, scores web pages from A to F, and provides tips on how to improve.

Also Read: Key Roles & Responsibilities of a Shopify Developer: You Should Know Before Hiring

2. Optimize Image Size

Images are really important for every Shopify store. They make the store look nice and help customers see the products. But if the images are too big, they can make the store load very slowly. That’s because bigger images take more time to load.

Shopify allows different image formats like JPEG/JPG, PNG, and GIF. It’s important to compress and optimize the images so they take up less space and load faster. When compressing and optimizing images, ensure that quality of images doesn’t get worse.

Once all the images are compressed and optimized, the Shopify store will load much faster. This means customers can see the store and products quickly without waiting for a long time.

3. Avoid installing More Apps or Plugins

You should look for the best apps available that can help you with what you need. It’s better to have fewer apps that can do more things, as this can make your website faster.

Take a look at your Shopify store and see if there are any apps that you’re not using. If you find any, you can remove them. This will make your website work better and faster.

When you consolidate apps, things become simpler and more organized. Think about whether a particular software or its function is really necessary for your store.

Also Read: 10 Best Shopify Development Trends To Consider in 2023

4. Reduce Redirects and broken links

Do you want your customers to have a great shopping experience on your Shopify website? It’s important to minimize the number of broken links and redirects. Too many redirects and broken links can slow down your site.

Redirects can be helpful, but they can also make your site slower. Reduce the number of redirects and make sure they are necessary for a smooth user experience. Furthermore, Too many redirects and broken links can affect your site’s speed and SEO.

Having too many redirects and broken links can slow down your website and hurt your search engine rankings. So, it’s important to avoid using unnecessary redirects and fix any broken links.

5. Limit the Number of HTTP requests

When someone visits one of your web pages, their browser loads other files from the web. These files can include CSS, JavaScript, images, and more.

To make your Shopify store faster, you can do a few things. You can include CSS directly in web pages, use fewer images or make them smaller, convert images to a special code called Base64, and limit social buttons on website.

You can make website faster by reducing requests it makes to web server. Combining CSS and JavaScript files together, so there are fewer files to load. However, This can make a big difference in how quickly your website loads.

If you listen to a Shopify developer’s advice, you can make Shopify website faster and better. This will make it more enjoyable for people who use it. It will also help reduce the number of people leaving your site quickly and increase the chances of turning visitors into customers. .

When you spend time and effort to make your Shopify website faster, you will see your online business grow. So, invest in speeding up your Shopify website and watch your online business thrive.

Also Read: Shopify B2B eCommerce Website: How To Successfully Create A Business-To-Business Store

The Winding up

To make Shopify website faster, you can follow these helpful tips and techniques. These are tried-and-true methods that have been proven to improve performance. By starting with these simple steps, you can make your online store faster and more efficient.

If you need help, you can visit our Mconnect Media website. We offer services to improve the speed of your Shopify website using the best practices. Moreover, Our team of Shopify developers can assist you in optimizing your store and making it run smoothly.

If you’re new to Shopify and want to give it a try, they offer a 30-day free trial. This allows you to explore the platform and its features without any cost. It’s a great way to see if Shopify is the right fit for your online business.


Mconnect Media is a well-known Shopify stores Development Company that creates professional, dynamic, comprehensive, and appealing shopping cart solutions.

If you’re looking for a Shopify developer, it means you’re looking for someone who can build and customize Shopify stores. Contact Us to hire Shopify developer and discuss your specific store design and development project needs.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide: How to Launch Your Shopify Store


  • Why is my Shopify website so slow?

Sometimes, when you have large images or videos on your website, it can take longer for them to load. But don’t worry! Shopify has put measures in place to prevent online store from getting too slow.

  • How long will it take to build a Shopify website?

Building a simple online store with all the necessary information and products can be done in as little as 3-4 days. Shopify offers a 14-day trial period for basic subscriptions because they believe it takes about that much time to set up a fully functional website.

  • Does Shopify Plus improve site speed?

Yes, Shopify Plus is designed to improve the speed of your website. Shopify Plus has an impressive uptime of 99.98%. Additionally, the platform is optimized to load your shop 2.97 times faster compared to other similar systems.

  • What is a good store speed on Shopify?

The speed of your Shopify store is measured by running tests using Google Lighthouse performance indicators. A good speed score for a Shopify store is anything above 50, and if your store scores above 70, it is considered excellent!”

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shopify development how to build your online store

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